The method of manufacturing Basalt into fibre form can be done 100% using renewable energy with ZERO emissions!!!!
BFRP – (Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer) products are among the many new families of the FRP revolution. Like its better known competing cousins - glass and carbon these polymeric composite products allow for many applications where once steel ruled the roost. Steel, while it is a truly amazing material with great flexibility, has its own material drawbacks. Depending on application and the situation steel can become a liability over time. Things like temperature, exposure to chemicals, acids and alkalines/chlorides have long-term detrimental effects on steel. FRP’s can and do provide a viable alternative to steel. Not all FRPs are created equal and their applications are not always the best approach to the issue, so it is important to know these areas of benefit and how they apply in the field. It is important to note that FRPs can be used in areas where corrosion and exposure to extreme weather cycles are present. Others provide excellent strength to mass ratios and reduced weight especially in the areas of lightweighting.